Reform Party of Arizona
Trade Policy Platform for National Candidates

The Executive Committee and at least 70% of the entire State Committee of the RPA have provisionally approved this document for publication. It is proposed for formal approval at the next Reform Party of Arizona State Convention. This platform applies to candidates seeking to represent Arizona in the United States Senate and House of Representatives. In recognition of the distinctly different constitutional roles played by national and state/local elected officials, a separate platform will be developed for state and local candidates.

Please address all questions, comments, and suggestions to:

The RPA advocates a trade policy that:

  1. Operates within the boundaries of the U.S. Constitution;
  2. Restores Congressional authority to regulate commerce;
  3. Safeguards American labor, health, safety and environmental standards from cheap imports;
  4. Eliminates trade deficits;
  5. Protects U.S. jobs and industry in order to ensure the blessings of liberty to all Americans and their posterity.

A vital national trade policy shall require:

  1. A strict "Buy American" policy that patronizes American made goods;
  2. A rigid ban on imported products of child, prison, or slave labor;
  3. U.S. ability to manufacture and stockpile all products vital to maintaining U.S. strategic military strength and national security;
  4. The ability to feed our own people.

The RPA will support candidates for federal office that support the following positions:

  1. ALL international trade agreements are in fact treaties and as such must be passed by a 2/3 super-majority in the U.S. Senate;
  2. "Fast Track" trade negotiating authority shall not be abdicated to the Executive Branch;
  3. A complete U.S. withdrawal from the following institutions: World Trade Organization (WTO, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World Bank;
  4. Revocation of Most Favored Nation trade status from any nation that restricts the basic human rights of workers;
  5. Require revenue tariffs on all foreign made goods sold in the United States to achieve balanced trade, and replace federal income taxes;
  6. Mandatory labeling of the country of origin for all food products.

The above positions demonstrate that the economic process currently labeled as "free trade" actually represents a "race to the bottom." By adhering to the above positions, the United States will guarantee its ability to be self-sufficient through bilateral trade and negotiation with other nations.